Argentine tango through the prism of Artificial Intelligence

I can't now recall why, but on 5 June 2023 I asked ChatGPT the question 'Why is Argentine tango so difficult to learn?' This was the answer it gave.

'Well, Argentine tango is a complex dance form that requires a lot of practice and skill to master. It involves intricate footwork, communication between partners, and a deep understanding of the music. Additionally, there are many different styles and interpretations of Argentine tango, making it a challenge to learn and perfect. However, with dedication and patience, anyone can become proficient in this beautiful dance form. Would you like some resources to learn more about Argentine tango?'

Today, I asked ChatGPT the question ‘Does AI understand Argentine tango, and what can it tell me about the embrace?’ Here is its answer:

AI, particularly natural language processing models like me, can provide information about Argentine tango based on the data it has been trained on. However, understanding Argentine tango in the way humans do, with its nuances, cultural significance, and emotional depth, is a more complex task.

Regarding the embrace in Argentine tango, AI can offer insights based on the knowledge it has been trained on. The embrace in Argentine tango is a fundamental aspect of the dance, embodying connection, communication, and expression between partners. It’s not merely a physical hold but a means of conveying musical interpretation, leading and following movements, and expressing emotions.

AI can describe the embrace in terms of its technical aspects, such as the posture, the connection between partners, and the variations in embrace styles (e.g., close embrace, open embrace). It can also discuss the role of the embrace in facilitating communication between partners, the importance of maintaining a relaxed yet engaged posture, and the subtle cues exchanged through the embrace to signal movements and intentions.

However, AI may not fully grasp the emotional and cultural dimensions of the embrace in Argentine tango, as these aspects often require human experience and understanding. The depth of connection, trust, and vulnerability involved in the embrace goes beyond mere physical mechanics and delves into the realm of human emotions and relationships, which can be challenging for AI to comprehend fully